Note on tsunamis reaching New ZealandJournal Paper
Laing, A.C.M., 1954, New Zealand journal of Science and Technolgy. Expand
Laing, A.C.M., 1954, New Zealand journal of Science and Technolgy. Expand
Poppelwell, D., 1912. Expand
Poppelwell, D.L., 1918, Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. Expand
Hamilton, A., 1895, Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. Expand
Faulds, W., 1977, New Zealand Entymology. Expand
Sparkes, J.H; de Lange, P.J; Blanchon, D.J., 2014, New Zealand journal of botany. Expand
Wilson, H.D., 1985, Unpublished report, Southland Conservancy. Expand
Mildenhall, D.C., 1979, Palynology Section N.Z. Geological Survey DSIR. Expand
Macfarlane, R.P., 1979, New Zealand Entymology. Expand
Cockayne, L.; Allan, H.H., 1926, Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Expand