Aquatic environment and biodiversity annual review 2019– 20.
Fisheries New Zealand, 2020, Compiled by the Aquatic Environment Team, Fisheries Science and Information, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington New Zealand. Expand
Fisheries New Zealand, 2020, Compiled by the Aquatic Environment Team, Fisheries Science and Information, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington New Zealand. Expand
Shand, T.; Weppe, S.; Quilter, P.; Short, A.; Blumberg, B.; Reinen-Hamill, R., 2020, Coastal Engineering Proceedings. Expand
Tilley, L.R., 2020. Expand
Wildland Consultants, 2020, Volume 31: Terrestrial Ecology. in Marsden Point Refinery: A Resource Consent Application to Renew 20 Resource Consents from the Northland Regional Council. Expand
Eaves, A., Kench, P., McDonald, G., & Dickson, M., 2020, Sustainability Perspectives: Science, Policy and Practice: A Global View of Theories, Policies and Practice in Sustainable Development. Expand
Smith, B.L.; Battley, P.F., 2020, Notornis. Expand
Caroline Wood, 2020. Expand
Caitlin Frazer, Livvy Harris, Sophie Newsham, Jordan Ballisat, Dennis Fogarty, 2020, Geog 309 report for Environment Canterbury. Expand
Orchard, S.; Falconer, T.; Fischman, H.; Schiel, D.R., 2020. Expand
2020. Expand