Coastline changes and sediments in southern Hawke's Bay
Smith, R.K., 1977, Unpublished report, ministry of works, Napier. Expand
Smith, R.K., 1977, Unpublished report, ministry of works, Napier. Expand
Hamel, G.E., 2008, Unpublished report to the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, Wellington. Expand
Clifton, N., 1979, Unpublished report. Expand
Hosking, P.L, McLean, R.F., 1989, Unpublished report to NZ Glass Manufacturing Company and Pilkington (N.Z) Ltd. Expand
Hamel, G.E., 1992, unpublished report. Expand
Clarkson, B.R.; Druce, A.P., 1984, Unpublished report, Botany Division, DSIR. Expand
Tonkin & Taylor, 2003, Unpublished report for Hawker's Bay Regional Council. Expand
Brathwaite, R.L., 1990, Unpublished contract report for Electricorp, DSIR geology and geophysics. Expand
Johnson, P., 1984, Unpublished report. Expand
Ogle, C., 1990, Unpublished Report. Department of Conservation, Wanganui. Expand