Showing results 11 – 20 of 182
Harris, A.C., 1974, Unpublished MSc Thesis, Victoria University, Wellington. Expand
Holdaway, R; Wright, E; Wiser, S; Brown, D; Hilton, M, unpublished report. Expand
Murray-Brown, R.M., 1984, Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Expand
Miller, M.E., 1971, Unpublished BSc (Hons) Project, University of Canterbury, Christchrurch. Expand
Boyle, J., 2014, Unpublished MSc. Expand
Yeates, G.W., 1965, Unpublished BSc (Hons) Project, University of Canterbury, Christchrurch. Expand
Visser, E., 1978, Unpublished Report, NZHPT Auckland. Expand
Hamel, G.E.; Leach, H.M., 1977, Unpublished report to the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, Wellington. Expand
Bettesworth, D.J., 1972, Unpublished MSc Thesis, University of Auckland, Auckland. Expand
Nicol, G.F., 1971, Unpublished BSc (Hons) Project, University of Canterbury, Christchrurch. Expand