A summary of monitoring and investigations on the Pegasus Bay coastline, 1998-2005
Gabites, B., 2006, ECan. Expand
Gabites, B., 2006, ECan. Expand
Cowie, B.; Conner, A.J.; Conner, L.N., 1978, Mauri Ora. Expand
Long, R., 2017, Notornis. Expand
Best, H.A., 1987. Expand
Best, H.A., 1987. Expand
G.S. Beach, K-J. Wilson, C.A. Bannock, 1997, Lincoln University Wildlife Management Report series. Expand
McCoy, J.; Cross, D.; Byers, G.; Nairn, K., 1969. Expand
Crossland AC, Crossland N, 2016, Stilt. Expand
Duke, N.C., 1991, Australian Systematic Botany. Expand
Hudson, L., 1973, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Expand