Treasuring our biodiversity: An EDS guide to the protection of New Zealand's indigenous habitats and species
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Brake, L.; Peart, R., 2013. Expand
Iorns, C, 2019, Research Report for the Deep South National Science Challenge. Expand
Iorns C, 2022, Victoria University of Wellington Law Review. Expand
Brock, J.M.R; Perry, G.L.W; Lee, W.G; Burns, B.R., 2016, Forest ecology and management. Expand
Challies, C.N; Scadden, C.E., 2010, Notornis. Expand
Krejcek, S.C; Malouines, C; Hartley, S., 2015, New Zealand journal of zoology. Expand
Trilepidea, 2013. Expand
New Zealand plant conservation network, 2016. Expand
Bates, J., 2019, Kia Ora January 2019. Expand
Kain, C; Gomez, C; Wassmer, P; Lavigne, F; Hart, D, 2014, New Zealand geographer. Expand