Near Shore Marine Classification SystemDOC Publication
Kerr, V.C., 2005, Report for Department of Conservation. Expand
Kerr, V.C., 2005, Report for Department of Conservation. Expand
Hesp, P.; Hilton, M.J., 1996, Journal of Coastal Research. Expand
Bradshaw, B.E., 1991, Unpublished DPhil thesis. Expand
Willoughby, A.J., 1981, Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Waikato, New Zealand. Expand
Campbell, I.B.; Johnston, M.R., 1992, Landforms of New Zealand 2nd edn. Expand
Clark, D., 2014. Expand
Bentley, J., 2015. Expand
Gillespie, P.; Clement, D.; Asher, R., 2011, Cawthron Report. Expand
Stevens, L.; Robertson, B., 2017. Expand
2008, NZ national parks and reserves rangers' archive. Expand