Aquatic environment and biodiversity annual review 2019– 20.
Fisheries New Zealand, 2020, Compiled by the Aquatic Environment Team, Fisheries Science and Information, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington New Zealand. Expand
Fisheries New Zealand, 2020, Compiled by the Aquatic Environment Team, Fisheries Science and Information, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington New Zealand. Expand
Robertson, H.A.; Funnell, E., 2012, Wetlands Ecology and Management. Expand
Edwards T, Clayton J., 2002, NIWA Client Report HMW02201. Expand
Taylor, M.; Sutton, A., 2017, Archaeology North Ltd. Expand
Barber, I.; Walter, R., 2002, Archaeology in New Zealand. Expand
Parker DJ, inSite Archaeology Ltd for. Expand
Hamel, G.E., 2006, Report to the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, Wellington. Expand
Visser, E., 1978, Unpublished Report, NZHPT Auckland. Expand
Subsurface Ltd Archaeological Services, 2021, Report prepared for Whanganui District Council. Expand
Adkin, G.L., 1955, Journal of the Polynesian Society. Expand