Kai Iwi lakes catchment description
Gray T., 2013, Unpublished internal report prepared for Northland Regional Council by TEC Services, Northland:. Expand
Gray T., 2013, Unpublished internal report prepared for Northland Regional Council by TEC Services, Northland:. Expand
Northland Regional Council, 2014. Expand
Wells, R.D.S., Clayton, J.S., Tanner, C.C., 1988, MAFTech North Internal Report: Hamilton, New Zealand. Expand
Environment Canterbury. Expand
Johnson, P.H., 1991, Contract Reprot 91/117. Prepared for Royds Garden Ltd on behalf of Dunedin City Council. Expand
Johnson, P.H., 1992, Contract Report 92/26. Prepared for Royds Gardens Ltd. on behalf of Dunedin City Council. Expand
Environment Canterbury. Expand
Environment Canterbury. Expand
Environment Canterbury. Expand
Breese, E.D.; Timmins, S.M.; Garrick, A.S.; Owen, J.M.; Jane, G.T., 1986. Expand