Circulation and Hydrology of Manukau Harbour
Heath, R.A; Greig, M.J.N; Shakespeare, B.S., 1976, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. Expand
Heath, R.A; Greig, M.J.N; Shakespeare, B.S., 1976, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. Expand
Gibb, J.G.; Jones, I.E., 1976, Water and Soil Division, Wellington. Expand
Gibb, J.G., and Wilshere, D.S., 1976, Internal report to the Commmisioner of Works, Ministry of Works and Development, Wellington, New Zealand. Expand
Turner, G.A.; Calin, W.F., 1976. Expand
Department of Lands & Survey, 1976. Expand
Booth, J.D., 1976, New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research. Expand
Stout, J.D.; Tate, K.R.; Molloy, L.F., 1976, Anderson, J.M; Macfayden, A (Eds), The role of terrestrial and aquatic organisms in decomposition processes. Expand
McDougall, J.C., 1976. Expand
McDougall, J.C., 1976, NewZealand Oceanographic Institute Oceanographis Field Report. Expand
McCutcheon, E.R., 1976, New Zealand Entomologist. Expand