Natural hazards - background report
Grant, H; Guard, J; Wall, K., 2005. Expand
Grant, H; Guard, J; Wall, K., 2005. Expand
Tasman District Council, 2011. Expand
Western Bay of Plenty District Council, 2013. Expand
Murphy, C.P., 2017, SDEWES Conference, Dubrovnik. Expand
2018, Contract Report. Expand
Jones, J.B., 1977, New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research. Expand
Walls, G.; McLennan, J.; Watt, J., 1988. Expand
Simpson, Philip, 1997, Conservation Advisory Science Notes. Expand
Kai Tahu Ki Otago, 2005. Expand
Pluis, J.; De Winder, B., 1990, T. W. Bakker, P. Jungerius and J. Klijn (eds), Dunes of the European coasts: Geomorphology-Hydrology-Soils. Expand