Research and InvestigationWebpage
Hawkes Bay Regional Council. Expand
Hawkes Bay Regional Council. Expand
Phillips, C.; Basher, L.; Marden, M., 2016. Expand
Anonymous, 1961, New Zealand Farm. Expand
Haast, J. Von., 1974, Transactions of the N.Z. Institute. Expand
Wildlands Consultants Ltd, 2017. Expand
Wildlands Consultants Ltd, 2017. Expand
McIntyre, N.; Pavlovich, K.; Hayes, L.. Expand
Nexus Planning and Research, 2004. Expand
Orchard, S., 2020. Expand
Parnell, K.E., 1997, Proceedings, Combined Australasian Coastal Engineering and Port Conference, Christchurch. Expand