Vascular plants for Whitiau Scientific Reserve, covering 250 ha of dunes, northwest of Whangaehu River Mouth, Foxton Ecological DistrictOther Publication
C.C. Ogle & others, 2016, Whanganui Plant List. Expand
C.C. Ogle & others, 2016, Whanganui Plant List. Expand
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Ogle, C>C., 2004. Expand
Ogle, Colin C, 2013, Wanganui Plant List. Expand
Ogle, C.C; La Cock, G., 2011, Whanganui Plant List. Expand
Ogle, C.C., La Cock, G. and others, 2007. Expand
Ogle, Colin C; Campbell, J; Wanganui Botanical Group, 2007, Wanganui Plant List. Expand
Ogle, Colin C, 2008, Wanganui Plant List. Expand
Ogle, C.C., 1997, Unpublished Wanganui Plant List. Expand
Ogle, C.C.; La Cock, G.; O'Connor, S., 2000, Unpublished Wanganui plant list. Expand