Plant of the Month - Embergeria grandifoliaPopular Article
Trilepidea, 2008, Trilepidea No. 61: December 2008. Expand
Trilepidea, 2008, Trilepidea No. 61: December 2008. Expand
Beston, A., 2002, The New Zealand Herald. Expand
Given, D.R., 1979, Botany Division DSIR Report. Expand
Ogle, C.C., 1997, Merrett, M, Clarkson, B; Whaley, K; Clarkson, B and Stephens, D. Ecology and conservation of three threatened shrubs of the coastal zone: Brachyglottis perdicioides, Olearia pachyphylla, and Pomaderris apetala (Appendix V). Expand
Pegman, A.P.; Rapson, G.L., 2005, New Zealand Journal of Botany. Expand
Briggs, D.; Walters, S.M., 1997. Expand
Hart, A., 2004. Expand
Fielding, C., 2022, Trilepidia. Expand
Lequeux, S., 2022, Wildland Consultants Contract Report No. 6408 prepared for Otago Regional Council. Expand
Bergin, D., 2014, Dune Restoration Trust of New Zealand Technical Handbook. Expand