Northland Lakes Strategy Part II: update and implementation strategy
Champion PD, 2014, NIWA Clint Report No. HAM2014-038. Expand
Champion PD, 2014, NIWA Clint Report No. HAM2014-038. Expand
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Conning, L., 2001. Expand
Town & Country Planning Branch, Ministry of Works, 1964. Expand
2014. Expand
Chadwick, S., 2015. Expand
Northland Regional Council, 2012. Expand
Davidson, J., 1982, The first thousand years: regional perspectives in New Zealand archaeology. Expand
Laing, A.C.M., 1954, New Zealand journal of Science and Technolgy. Expand
Brown, J.G., 1967, New Zealand Entymology. Expand