Notes on Moa remains in the MacKenzie Country and other localities
Chapman, F.R., 1884, Transactions of the N.Z. Insititute. Expand
Chapman, F.R., 1884, Transactions of the N.Z. Insititute. Expand
Beu, A.G., 1967, New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research. Expand
Cockayne, L.; Allan, H.H., 1926, Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Expand
Beatson, E; OShea, S; Stone, C; Shortland, T., 2007, New Zealand journal of zoology. Expand
Falla, R.A., 1933, Records of the Auckland institute and museum. Expand
Kirk, T., 1875, Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. Expand
Mair, W.G., 1872, Transactions And Proceedings of The Royal Society Of New Zealand. Expand
La Cock, G., 2014. Expand
Field, H.C., 1876, Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Expand
Schuckard, R.; Melville, D.S., 2020, Notornis. Expand