Worst weeds in the Rodney local board areaFactsheet
Auckland Council. Expand
Auckland Council. Expand
Bay of Plenty Regional Council. Expand
Fischer, J.H.; Beski, I.; Spitz, D.B.; Taylor, G.A.; Wittmer, H. U., 2021, Marine Ecology Progress Series. Expand
Carlin, W., 1976. Expand
Annala, J.H; Breen, P.A., 1989, New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research. Expand
Beu, A.G.; Edwards, A.R.; Pillians, B.J., 1986, Geological Society of New Zealand Misc Pub. Expand
P.F. Battley, D.S. Melville, R. Schuckard, P.F. Ballance, 2011, Journal of Sea Research. Expand