Ecological restorations and management plan for the southern end of Opoutere Beach recreation reserveTechnical Report
2014, Contract Report. Expand
2014, Contract Report. Expand
Beadel, S.; Owen, K.; Cashmore, P.; Staite, C., 2011. Expand
Patrick, B., 2012, Wildlands Report. Expand
2015, Contract Report. Expand
2020, Contract Report. Expand
Gillies, R.; Martin, T., 2015, Contract Report. Expand
Beadel, S.; Renner, M.; Stephen, M.; Bawden, R.; Collins, L.; Honey, M., 2008, Contract Report. Expand
Goldwater, N.; Graham, P.; Holland, W.; Beadel, S.; Martin, T.; Myers, S., 2012. Expand
2018, Contract Report. Expand
Pierce, R.J., 2005, Wildlands Contract Report. Expand