Report on foreshore development at Sunkist Bay beachland
Anonymous, 1967. Expand
Anonymous, 1967. Expand
Tennyson, A.; Scofield, P., 2006, report prepared for Department of Conservation. Expand
Esler, A.E., 1968. Expand
Fyfe, R., Wernham, P., 1978. Expand
Mayhill, P.C., 1994. Expand
Graham Hancox and Nick Perrin, 2011, GNS SCIENCE IMMEDIATE REPORT. Expand
Smart, C.D., 1962, N.Z. Archaeological Association Newsletter. Expand
South Taranaki District Council, 1990. Expand
Bergin, D.; Herbert, J., 1995. Expand
Schallenberg, M.; Tyrrell, C., 2006. Expand