Salvage Excavation of an Archaic Burial Context, N44/97, Hahei
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Edson, S; Brown, D., 1977, Records of the Auckland Institute Museum. Expand
Riney, T., 1957, New Zealand Ecological Society. Expand
Greig, P.J., 1965. Expand
Fahy, F.M., 1986, Unpublished MSc thesis, University pf Canterbury, New Zealand. Expand
Gillie, R.D., 1979, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Expand
Rabone, T.O.V., 1950, Internal report, Ministry of Works, Auckland. Expand
Willyams, M.A., 1980, Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Expand
Nicholson, D.G., 1979, Unpublished MA thesis, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Expand
Jackson, I., 2006. Expand
Kirk, T.W., 1907. Expand