Vehicles on New Zealand beaches: an annotated bibliography of research on physical and ecological impactsDOC Publication
La Cock, Graeme D, 2022. Expand
La Cock, Graeme D, 2022. Expand
Pillans, B., 1990, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. Expand
Beavan R.J. and Litchfield, N.J., 2012, GNS Science Report. Expand
Beavan, R.J.; Litchfield, N.J., 2012, GNS Science Report. Expand
Mavoa, S.F.D., 1998. Expand
Gallop, S.L.; Bryan, K.R.; Coco, G., 2009, Journal of Coastal Research. Expand
Bogle, J.A.; Bryan, K.R.; Black, K.P.; Hume, T.M.; Healy, T.R., 2001, International Coastal Symposium (ICS 2000). Expand
Harrison, S., & Bryan, K. R., 2014, Proceedings of Technical Groups, New Zealand Coastal Society 22nd Annual Conference. Expand
Shand, R.D; Bailey, D.G., 1995, School of global studies, Massey university, New Zealand, miscellaneous publication series. Expand
Fairweather, J.R.; Swaffield, S.R., 2001, Tourism Management. Expand