The Atlas of Bird Distribution in New ZealandBook
Bull, P.; Gaze, P.; Robertson, C., 1985. Expand
Bull, P.; Gaze, P.; Robertson, C., 1985. Expand
Brassey, R., 2010. Expand
Richards, O.W., 1978, Australian Journal of Zoology. Expand
Tunnicliffe, G.A., 1973, Mauri Ora. Expand
Crossland, A.C., 2010, Stilt. Expand
Harris, R; Crossland, A., 1990. Expand
Platt, G., 1991, Journal of the Auckland Botanical Society. Expand
Seachange conference EDS, 2005. Expand
Healy, T.R.; Harray, K.G.; Richmond, B., 1977. Expand
Hesp, P.A., 1999, Short, A. D. (Ed.), Handbook of Beach and Shoreface Morphodynamics, Chapter 6. Expand