The genus Nysius in New Zealand (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)Journal Paper
Eyles, A.C.; Ashlock, P.D., 1969, New Zealand Journal of Science. Expand
Eyles, A.C.; Ashlock, P.D., 1969, New Zealand Journal of Science. Expand
Knox, G.A. (ed), 1969. Expand
Mitcalfe, B., 1969, The Journal of the Polynesian Society. Expand
McLean R.F., 1969, Coastal Res. Notes. Expand
Mason, R., 1969. Expand
Wellman, H.W., 1969, Tuatara. Expand
Park, G.S., 1969, New Zealand Archaeological Association Newsletter. Expand
Esler, A.E., 1969. Expand