Pukearuhe Scenic ReserveTechnical Report
Clarkson, B.R.; Boase, M.R., 1982, Scenic Reserves of West Taranaki. Biological Survey of Reserves Series. Department of Lands and Survey. Expand
Clarkson, B.R.; Boase, M.R., 1982, Scenic Reserves of West Taranaki. Biological Survey of Reserves Series. Department of Lands and Survey. Expand
Kirk, R.M.; Weaver, R.J., 1982, Soil and water. Expand
Taranaki Catchment Commission, 1982. Expand
Department of Lands and Survey, 1982, Management Plan Series. Expand
Lee, W.G.& Partridge, T.R., 1982. Expand
Williams, P.A., 1982. Expand
Clarkson, B.R.; Boase, M.R., 1982. Expand
Black, K.P.; Healy, T.R., 1982, Proceedings of the 18th International Coastal Engineering Conference, Cape Town, American Society of Civil Engineers. Expand
Black, K.P.; Healy, T.R., 1982, JTFH Coastal Engineering Conference, ASCE. Expand
Greig, D.A., 1982. Expand