Inventory of geologically related historical sites and features of international, national and regional importance
Black, T.M; Nowell, S.B; Hayward, B.W., 1991, Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. Expand
Black, T.M; Nowell, S.B; Hayward, B.W., 1991, Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. Expand
Arand, J; Basher, L; McIntosh; Heads, M., 1991, NZ Society of Soil Science Occasional Publication 1. Expand
Johnson, P.H., 1991, Contract Reprot 91/117. Prepared for Royds Garden Ltd on behalf of Dunedin City Council. Expand
Marsden, I.D., 1991, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Expand
Hume, T.M., 1991. Expand
Woodroffe, C.D.; Grindror, J., 1991, Journal of Biogeogrpahy. Expand
1991, The bulletin of the Australian institute for maritime archaeology. Expand
McIntosh, J.; Park, S., 1991. Expand
de Lange, W.P., 1991. Expand
Bradshaw, B.E., 1991, Unpublished DPhil thesis. Expand