Garnet compositions track longshore migration of beach placers in western New Zealand.
Thomas W. Ritchie; James M. Scott; Dave Craw, 2019, Economic Geology 114.3 (2019): 513-540. Expand
Thomas W. Ritchie; James M. Scott; Dave Craw, 2019, Economic Geology 114.3 (2019): 513-540. Expand
Rob D. Smissen, Kerry A. Ford, Paul D. Champion and Peter B. Heenan, 2019, Australian Systematic Botany. Expand
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Shand, R.D., 2019, 2019-11 CRep. Expand
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Kelly M. Hare, Stephanie B. Borrelle, Hannah L. Buckley, Kevin J. Collier, Rochelle Constantine, John K. Perrott, Corinne H. Watts, David R. Towns, 2019, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Expand