Summary of key changes Northern Pegasus Bay bylaw 2016
Waimakariri district council, 2016. Expand
Waimakariri district council, 2016. Expand
Shepherd, M.; Lumsden, J.; Gibb, J.; Kirk, B.; Ganesalingam, S., 2007, Coastal Systems Ltd. Expand
Harper, B., 2018, HBRC Report. Expand
La Cock, G.D., 2016. Expand
2021. Expand
Mildenhall, D.C., 1989, Journal of the Royal society of New Zealand. Expand
Stevens, L.M.; Rayes, C., 2018. Expand
McKenzie, L., 2015. Expand
Gisborne Regional Council. Expand
Lagnaz, E., 2010, TARA. Expand