The spiders of New Zealand. Part 5Bulletin
Forster, R.R.; Blest, A.D., 1979, Otago Museum Bulletin. Expand
Forster, R.R.; Blest, A.D., 1979, Otago Museum Bulletin. Expand
Strong, S.W.S., 1933, New Zealand journal of Science and Technolgy. Expand
McKenzie, H.R., 1967, Notornis. Expand
Webb, A., 1972, Auckland Architectural Association Bulletin. Expand
Ministry for the Environment, 1997. Expand
Morton, J., 1976, Wellington: Nature Conservation Council. Expand
Beauchamp, A.J., 1995, Notornis. Expand
Prickett, K., 1979, Prehistoric man in Palliser Bay. Expand
Wigram, H.F., 1916. Expand
Atkinson, L.; Bouzaid, B., 2004. Expand