Beachcare MagazineWebpage
Waikato Regional Council, 2012. Expand
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Waikato Regional Council, 2015. Expand
Nordstrom, K., 2000. Expand
Kirk, R.M., 1967, New Zealand Geog. Rec. Expand
Kear, D; Bowen, F.E., 1970, New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics. Expand
Watt, J.C., 1983, Tane. Expand
La Cock, A.; Stanley, M.C., 2007, The Weta. Expand
Coombs, B.T., 2012. Expand
2022, rest of title: Part 6 of the Resource Management Act 1991. Statement of evidence of James Dahm. Expand
Dahm J., 2015. Expand