Reports on sand revegetation trials using nitrogen-fixing plants, 1995-96Technical Report
Gadgil, R.L.; Douglas, G.; Lowe, A.; Beeser, H.; Ede, F.Foote, A.; Oliver, G., 1996. Expand
Gadgil, R.L.; Douglas, G.; Lowe, A.; Beeser, H.; Ede, F.Foote, A.; Oliver, G., 1996. Expand
Owens, S.J.; Timmins, S.M.; West, C.J., 1996, Proceedings of the 11th Australian Weeds Conference, Melbourne, Australia. Expand
Ogle, C.C.; Simpson, P.; Spannagl, H., 1996, Unpublished Wanganui plant list. Expand
Park, S., 1996, Environmental Report. Expand
Taylor, G.A., 1996, Notornis. Expand
Webb, C.J., 1996, Conservation Advisory Science Notes. Expand
Anderson, A.J; Smith, I.W.G., 1996, Ibid. Expand
Wolfe, S.; Nickling, W., 1996, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Expand
deRooijvanderGoes, P., 1996. Expand
Grant, L., 1996. Expand