Summary of Recreation, landscape and ecology values associated with water bodies in Hawke's BayTechnical Report
Harper, B., 2018, HBRC Report. Expand
Harper, B., 2018, HBRC Report. Expand
La Cock, G.D., 2016. Expand
2021. Expand
Stevens, L.M.; Rayes, C., 2018. Expand
Lawrence, J.; Bell, R.; Blackett, P.; Stephens, S.; Collins, D.; Cradock-Henry, N.; Hardcastle, M., 2020, Wellington: Deep South Challenge. Expand
Atkin, E.; Mead, S., 2017, Waikato Regional Council Technical Report. Expand
Karin Bryan, 2016. Expand
Lettink, M; Monks, J.M., 2016, Journal of the royal society of New Zealand. Expand
Dowding, J.E.; Murphy, E.C.; Elliot, M.J., 2020, Notornis. Expand
Hodge, S.; Vink, C.J.; Curtis, N., 2017, The Weta. Expand