Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Waīmāhuru ki Hukatere - (Beach Site B) Reserve Management PlanPlan
2020. Expand
2020. Expand
2020. Expand
2020. Expand
Climate Adaption Te Taitokerau, 2021, Te Taitokerau Climate Adaptation Strategy. Expand
Joint Climate Change Adaption Committee, 2022. Expand
Climate Adaption Te Taitokerau, 2021, Te Taitokerau Climate Adaptation Strategy. Expand
Ministry for the Environment, 2024. Expand
Handley, S., 2022, NIWA client report prepared for Marlborough District Council, Nelson City Council, Tasman District Council. Expand
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Russell, J.C.; Russell, K.J., 2018, New Zealand Journal of Zoology. Expand