List of vascular plants for Whitiau Scientific Reserve, covering 250 ha of dunes, north-west of Whangaehu River Mouth (1988-1999)Technical Report
Ogle, C.C., 1999, Unpublished Wanganui plant list. Expand
Ogle, C.C., 1999, Unpublished Wanganui plant list. Expand
Wanganui Botanical Group; Ogle, C.C., 1999, Unpublished Wanganui plant list. Expand
Ogle, C.C., 1999, Unpublished Wanganui plant list. Expand
Ogle, C.C.; Singers, N.J.D., 2001, Unpublished Wanganui Plant List (compiled 1990-2001). Expand
Ogle, C.C.; Wanganui Botanical Group, 1990, Unpublished Wanganui. Expand
Ogle, C., 1990, Unpublished Report. Department of Conservation, Wanganui. Expand
Neale, D.M., 1987, Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Expand
Hamel, G.E., 2005, Unpublished report to the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, Wellington. Expand
Anderson, A.J, 1966, Unpublished MA thesis (Geography), University of Canterbury. Expand
Maungamaungaroa Estuary Protection Association, 1987, Unpublished report. Expand