Review of coastal and estuarine research in New ZealandConference Paper
Kirk, R.M., 1978, Proceedings joint US/NZ Seminar/Workshop on Ocean Exploration, Report P1: A28-A44. US/NZ Agreement fro Scientific and Technical Co-Operation. Expand
Kirk, R.M., 1978, Proceedings joint US/NZ Seminar/Workshop on Ocean Exploration, Report P1: A28-A44. US/NZ Agreement fro Scientific and Technical Co-Operation. Expand
Figueira, B.; Hayward, B.W.; Grenfell, H.R.; Gehrels, W.R., 2009, IGCP 495 Annual Conference and Field Meeting. Expand
Hicks, D.M.; Hume, T.M., 1991, Bell, R.G; Hume, T.M; Healy, T.R. Ed. Coastal engineering - climate for change, Proceedings of the 10th Australasian conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Auckland. Expand
Owens, S.J.; Timmins, S.M.; West, C.J., 1996, Proceedings of the 11th Australian Weeds Conference, Melbourne, Australia. Expand
Ismail, N.; Hurd, C.L.; Prober, K., 1998, 3rd International seagrass biology workshop. Expand
Phillips, D.; Black, K.P.; Hume, T.M.; Healy, T., 1999, Coasts and Ports Conference. Expand
Black, K.P.; Healy, T.R., 1982, Proceedings of the 18th International Coastal Engineering Conference, Cape Town, American Society of Civil Engineers. Expand
Kirk, R.M.; Tierney, B.W., 1985, Proceedings of the 7th Australasian conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Christchurch. Expand
Reinen-Hamill, R.A.; Shand, T.D., 2007. Expand
Champion, P.D.; Reeves, P.D., 1998, Proceedings of the 51st New Zealand Plant Protection Conference, New Zealand Plant Protection Society. Expand