A recent, possible catastrophic burial in a marine molluscan community Journal Paper
- Author
- McKnight D.G.
- Year
- 1969
- Journal / Source
- New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
- Publisher / Organisation
- Taylor & Francis
- Number
- 3
- Pages
- 177-179
- 1175-8805
- Keywords
- Coromandel, mud, burial, mollusc, Kennedy Bay, Tawera spissa
- Summary
- A shallow water benthic sample from off the east coast of the Coromandel Peninsula contained compact shelly sand overlain by mud. The fauna, confined to the sand layer, consisted of infaunal bivalves dominated by Tawera spissa (Deshayes). The presence of dead or decaying bivalves only, indicates a heavy mortality in the community attributed to burial by the mud layer.